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Take Control of Your Salesforce Spend 

Measure Salesforce Usage across products and packages like never before. 

Speed & Security

Flexibility & Scalability

Better Collaboration

Why you need better Salesforce Usage Insights

Understanding and optimizing your Salesforce expenditures isn't just about cutting costs—it's about harnessing the true power of your CRM investment. By effectively managing and optimizing your Salesforce licenses, you can achieve significant cost savings, and gain insights into the real value derived from each user and feature. Dive into the profound benefits of reducing Salesforce expenditures and discover how to bring these benefits to your organization.



1000%+ ROI in LIcense Savings


Targeted per User Analysis


Customizable and extensible analysis framework


Increased visibility into usage patterns

Built for Creatives, by Creatives

Dashboards and resports make it easy to get granular insights. 

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